Customers interested in acquiring this original should to arrange the purchase.
The P-38 Lightning may have greater notoriety as a twin-boomed aircraft, but one can make a strong argument that the OV-10 Bronco deserves at least as much praise. Flown by the US Air Force, Navy and Marines during the Vietnam War, there was little the plane could not do. Bombing, reconnaissance, attack, and transport missions were all part of its repertoire, and Broncos are still flying today in an anti-terrorist role with the Philippine Air Force.
Of course, when one thinks of Vietnam or the Philippines, jungles easily come to mind and that's what Koike-san has chosen as the background for this homage to the little workhorse (which is a freeform original, not painted for calendar or packaging purposes). The early morning sun shimmering off the mists of the foliage below is beautifully executed and makes for a gorgeous scene.
This original painting is acrylic on heavy art board. The board measures 54cm x 39cm, and the painted area is approximately 47.5cm x 30cm.